Spin the wheel - Financing the reskilling and upskilling for circular cities

08jun10:0011:30Spin the wheel - Financing the reskilling and upskilling for circular cities


This hybrid event will highlight the central role of local governments in linking both with the private sector as well as public and private investors. It will revolve around the pivotal questions “What role can local authorities play in fostering circular economy upskilling and reskilling of the workforce? What can financiers do to support? What are the main bottlenecks, and what potential solutions?”.  Participants will also learn about ICLEI’s current efforts in delivering Project Development Assistance (PDA) to local authorities and other project developers in the frame of the DEFINITE-CCRI and CircularInvest projects under the umbrella the CCRI.

Read more and sign up here.



8. juni 2023 10:00 - 11:30(GMT+02:00)